Skies are changing

One thing that I truly love about the fall is that the cooler weather brings new colors to the sky and the ground. The skies are gray and the fields are all golden so when the dawn breaks comforting feelings are evoked.

Fall is the time of year when activities begin to step up again. It seems our “training” of going back to school elicits this behavior in us whether we are returning to school or not.

The last quarter of the year is approaching. Final tax deadlines are due. The New Year is right around the corner and the holidays are about to begin. Each activity brings with it a sense of urgency for completing some things and planning for new ones.

The year of 2024 has been a challenging one for many. It could have been strange extremes in weather, it could have been the continued inflationary economy, it could have been the global unrest that caused international relation issues, it could have been government offices overstepping their authority or the continued challenges of hiring people with a good work ethic, an ongoing fallout from the poor economic choices made during covid. 

One thing is for certain though, change is always a time for opportunity if you are willing to look at it that way. One client said to me “I just had to pivot”.

So how are you pivoting during these strange times?  

Taking personal responsibility for how things move forward rather than playing the blame game - I find is the best tactic. Being willing to ask my three favorite questions – what is working, what isn’t, and what is next – seems to be a basic strategy for forward momentum.

Being willing to do new things, learn new things and grow given the current challenges is what the entrepreneurial spirit is all about. 

If reviewing your numbers would be helpful in this process we are here to help!

In Abundance,



Today’s Economy


Living with integrity