Today’s Economy

Lately, in the United States, there has been a lot of talk of people “hunkering down” for the coming storm. Waiting and watching to see what is going to happen. Hunkering down is one strategy. What is yours?

It is interesting to watch what triggers people to take these actions. Is it fear of the unknown? Is it mistrust of “the system”? Is it politics? Or is it just worry and making sure that there is a plan for as my husband jokingly says the coming “zombie apocalypse”?

Whatever the reason to me it is the same plan that I would hope everyone would have in place no matter what the economy is doing. Having a plan is what will allow you to move well no matter what life is going to throw at you and we all know that life is capable of throwing all things our way. Whether it’s the car breaking down or our kid getting sick or…  Do you have the reserves to manage your way through it?

The other day a client said to me, “I am only as good as my options”. I loved that.  Options are what we create for ourselves every day as we make choices. What are the filters or the rose-colored glasses through which you make your choices? The more you can understand what drives your choices, the more you are driving the bus.

So whether you are growing a business or planning for a special life event or supporting great change for your favorite cause or developing your financial legacy for future generations, having a plan is one piece that will be integral to the financial piece of the picture.

Money is a tool to be used to make life work. It is not what we work for.

Economics are always changing.  The rules are always changing with the politics of the day. And at the root of every household is you. You are the driver.

Get connected with your numbers and develop a plan that makes your money work for you no matter what is happening around you.

In Abundance,



Skies are changing